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Laura Nsengiyumva – Helen

Laura Nsengiyumva

Hours and dates

  • From Oct 27 to Oct 30 from 10:00 to 18:00

The place

Galerie du Beffroi



AboutLaura Nsengiyumva

Laura Nsengiyumva is a Brussels-based artivist, architect and researcher. Through her interdisciplinary practice, Nsengiyumva explores themes such as diasporic experience, hidden histories, North-South relations and empathy. She speaks about these topics through images and interventions on colonial spaces. . Her artivists actions like PeoPL (the melting of a statue of Leopold II) and Queen Nikkolah, are part of her research project “Shaping the presence of the African diaspora in Belgium”. Her transcultural view of history is based on human stories that invite us to find what brings us together.

Nsengiyumva is affiliated as an artistic researcher to Kask, the School of Arts of HOGENT, and howest. She won the first prize at the Kunstsalon Ghent in 2011, and the second prize at the Dakar Biennale in 2012. She is an artist resident of Kult-XL.

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KIKK in townHelen

Helen is the biographical monolog of a young european woman. She speaks about her lovelife with a touching since- rity. Based on the buddhist idea that pain has the power of connecting people, her monolog is used by Afro-European women as an opportunity to make their voices heard. They share Helen’s pain by dubbing her voice in their maternal language.
The languages are spread in the space in front of the screen in several auditive areas. It becomes an assembly of women as well as a travel for the visitor wandering through the voices. The non-understanding of the languages allows the visitor to experience exclusion and get to know the diversity of the African languages. As well as the understanding of one the languages leads to repair communitary links around an apolitical subject.

In the manner of the American soaps dubbed in Spanish, this «sound-cartography» is a way to claim the African presence in Europe and raise the idea of an Afro-European identity.

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