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La Bombe Humaine

Eline Schumacher & Vincent Hennebicq

Hours and dates

  • From Oct 27 to Oct 28 from 19:00 to 20:30

The place




AboutLa Bombe Humaine

With La bombe humaine, Éline Schumacher and Vincent Hennebicq put climate change at the heart of the debate. In a sincere, funny and intelligent approach, they explore all the facets of the crisis and hold up a mirror to our inconsistencies.

Melting ice, acidification of the oceans, disappearance of animal and plant species… One word alone sums up the impact of Man on the earth’s ecosystem: anthropocene. The era of human activities which, under the yoke of capitalism, is sacking the wealth of our planet. We know that we are heading straight for the wall, so why aren’t we doing anything to prevent it? This is the question that Éline asks herself, an average human being, full of ideals but also of contradictions like many of us.

Armed with a delightfully offbeat sense of humor that avoids moralizing, Éline and Vincent tackle the big question of the Earth’s future, multiplying encounters with scientists, anthropologists, psychologists, politicians and people with alternative lifestyles. The play is accompanied by music, a playwright’s guide, and a playwright’s guide. The play is a salvageable and incongruous plunge into the intimate face of a faltering humanity.

The play is accompanied by the original live music of Marine Horbaczewski and Olivia Carrère: the keystone of the show’s sound, which sometimes gives an air of apocalypse, sometimes a hint of spring to the performance.

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“We come out of it pumped up, pushed in our sails by the energy, the humor, but also the seriousness of these intimate confessions coupled with a copious work of research and meetings (…)” – Le Soir

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