Producing in VR, a headache?
Producing in VR, a headache?
Hours and dates
- Oct 27 from 14:00 to 15:30
The place
La Bourse
AboutAudrey Pacart
Associate producer, executive producer, curator and film and television curator for more than 25 years, Audrey Pacart is now a creative producer and consultant specializing in immersive content.
She recently produced the virtual reality film Marco Polo Go Round, presented at major festivals around the world. Audrey Pacart is also an associate programmer at TRIBECA Immersive.
Workshops and MasterclassesProducing in VR, a headache?
Case Study on Marco & Polo Go Round. The context of VR production, funding, making and challenges. Do and don’t. What are the prospects for the future? How does this differ from the production of other immersive works?